Enjoy good hair days this summer!

Most of us are leading a choppy lifestyle and are not able to invest time in a good hair care routine. Hence we are facing some mighty common hair problems like dandruff, itchy scalp, dull hair causing hair fall. Hair problems can arise through external problems as well as internal problems. A

Protection of skin in season change

The skin likes consistency, so when factors, like weather, change on a dime, it’s like a shock to the system.  Rapid fluctuations in weather can take its toll on our skin as it adjusts to the new environment.  As we shift from summer to fall, temperature and humidity will drop quickly, so the skin will have […]

Do we need a moisturizing lotion in summer?

As winter ends and mercury rises in the region, it calls for many lifestyle changes. Excessive summer heat can dehydrate your skin, so it’s important to keep it moisturized during the summer. If your skin becomes oily, it may be a sign that your skin could be dehydrated. Here are all the reasons why you […]

Nutrition for Womens Health!

By eating well at every stage of life, you can control cravings, manage your weight, boost your energy, and look and feel your best. Individual nutritional needs vary according to age and overall health status. Women have unique nutritional needs. Some requirements are specific to women, and they can also change during the lifespan.  Healthy […]

Impact of shampoo chemicals on hair

Most hair products are loaded with toxic chemicals that give your hair instant gratification. They help give us clean, shiny, bouncy and smooth locks, which often makes us settle for them. However, these short-term benefits come along with long-term ill effects – ranging from cancer to hormone imbalance. Here is a list of ingredients in […]

Hair fall and reasons behind it!

Many people observe healthy-looking hair as a sign of health or beauty.While some factors such as age, genetics, and hormones also affect hair growth, optimal nutrient consumption is key. Hair is considered as crowning glory, and without the right mane, and the right hairdo, you’re never considered fully dressed!     Hair fall is one of […]

Role of moisturizers on skin health!

The skin functions as a barrier, protecting underlying tissues from desiccation, infection, mechanical stress and chemical irritation. Impaired function leads to increasing trans-epidermal water loss associated with various kinds of dermatitis. Water from deeper epidermal layers moves upward to hydrate stratum corneum cells and is then lost to evaporation. Epidermal water

Impact of dry skin on skin health!

The skin is the largest organ of the body and is the primary contact point with the external environment. In being so, it is responsible for protecting the internal organs for chemicals, substances, temperature and moisture outside of the body. It acts as a barrier that regulates the loss of fluids and electrolytes from the […]

Winter hair problems? Not anymore!

It’s that time of the year again when you need to have a list of fine haircare tips for winter! While you enjoy a piping cup of tea with your steaming plate of breakfast on a balmy winter morning, the crisp air is going to have its own effect on your hair, and you know […]

Bid adieu to dry skin!

A well moisturized and hydrated skin is a thumb rule for a healthy skin. Dry and flaky skin is not only discomforting and unpleasant to look but is also prone to many skin problems. Dry skin or xerosis dermatitis is more common among elderly. Dry skin can cause the skin to crack making it susceptible […]