What Exactly Is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a skin condition in which skin cells proliferate up to ten times faster than usual. This causes the skin to develop rough red patches covered in white scales. They can form everywhere, but mostly they appear on the scalp, elbows, knees, and lower back.

Psoriasis often manifests itself in early adulthood. Most people are only affected in a few areas. In severe instances, psoriasis may cover large parts of the body. The patches can heal and reappear throughout a person’s life.


Red skin plaques, typically coated in silver-colored scales. These plaques can be itchy and painful and can crack and bleed. Plaques will expand and combine in extreme situations, covering large areas.

You may observe discoloration and pitting of the fingernails and toenails. Nails can also crumble or separate from the nail bed. Plaques of scales or crust are formed on the scalp.

Psoriasis: What Causes It?

Psoriasis can be hereditary or auto-immune in nature, with the immune system causing inflammation and enabling new skin cells to develop too fast. Skin cells are normally renewed every 10 to 30 days. But in psoriasis, new cells proliferate every 3 to 4 days. The silver scales are formed due to the accumulation of old cells being replaced by new ones.

Areas of the body  affected

Plaque psoriasis is the most prevalent disease form, affecting 80 to 85% of individuals. The trunk, elbows, knees, umbilicus (navel), scalp, ears, hands, and feet are frequently affected by this type. Psoriatic arthritis affects around one-third of patients and might manifest as joint pain, redness, swelling, a swollen finger, nail abnormalities, or uveitis (eye inflammation).

As a common skin disease, psoriasis is a chronic, autoimmune, and complex genetic disorder that affects 2% of the world population. Psoriatic skin has symptoms of inflammation and raised scaly lesions. Three different cellular alteration occur in psoriatic involved skin, which are the abnormal differentiation of keratinocytes, hyper-proliferation of keratinocytes, and infiltration of immune cells.

6 Tips for Psoriasis Skin Care

 1.Maintain Your Skin’s Hydration

It’s one of the most powerful but simple treatments for inflamed skin. It can aid in the healing of your skin by reducing dryness, irritation, redness, soreness, and scaling.Depending on how dry your skin is, choose a moisturizer. Ointments are thick, heavy, and effective in retaining moisture. Lotions are thinner and more easily absorbed.After taking a bath or shower, carefully pat on the lotion. Reapply as needed throughout the day and whenever you change your clothes. On chilly or dry days, use extra.

2.Warm Baths Can Help You Relax

A daily warm bath using a mild soap can help soothe itchy spots and remove dry skin.Take 15 minutes to soak in the warm water. Hot temperatures and harsh soaps can be hard on skin that’s already sensitive. Try not to rub your skin with the towel as you dry off. Instead, gently pat it dry. The rubbing action can make sores worse and even cause new ones. Apply immediately with a moisturizer If you don’t have time for a bath, you can still put a wet towel or cold compress on the trouble spot.

3.Heal With Sunlight

The ultraviolet (UV) light in sunlight can slow the growth of skin cells, so small doses of sunlight can be a good way to soothe, improve, and even heal psoriasis lesions.

4.Be free of stress.

Itching and psoriasis may both get worse under stress. Some individuals even link their initial breakout to a highly stressful situation. By reducing your anxiety, you might ease symptoms.

Stress may be reduced in a variety of ways. Create a network of family and friends for support. Consider what matters most to you, then make time for it. Deep breathing, yoga, and meditation are beneficial. Even a lengthy stroll across the neighborhood might help you unwind.

5.Go Easy on Yourself. 

Avoid using harsh products like deodorant soaps, lotions with alcohol, acids (glycolic, salicylic, and lactic acid), and even certain laundry soaps. These could irritate your delicate skin. Check the fabric’s texture before purchasing any clothing. Ensure that they are cozy and silky. Avoid mohair and wool. They may aggravate skin that is already inflammatory.

6. Avoid Scratching and Picking

There is no denying that you want to scratch when you are itchy. Scratching, however, can rip your skin open, allowing microorganisms that cause infections to enter. It could cause previously undetectable sores to emerge. Keep your nails short and try to take medications if the itching is worse.

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