Cutaneous moisture retention and proper regulation of trans-epidermal water loss are extremely essential to ensure the proper biological and physiological functioning of the skin. At the same time, skin being the biggest organ in the body, maintaining the hygiene of skin is also essential as the eccrine and apocrine glands would release several waste metabolites and the build-up of the above over the skin gradually would prevent/reduce the function of the glands, facilitate infection and finally may affect the cell turnover time, if are not removed. Therefore regular offloading and offsetting of the all such accumulated bio-burdens from the skin is needed.
A bathing bar with gentle lather, rich in fats, with gentle exfoliating property and the delivery system subsequently would able to discharge the herbal molecules of Aloe vera to sooth the skin is essential. The pyramidal activity would not only ensure the cleansing requirements of the skin but also would empower the skin to breath nicely and perform the needed biological and physiological functions of the skin along with cutaneous protection and thermoregulation.
Verdura skin fresh bathing bar is formulated with rare combination of medicinal herbs, several vitamin rich essential oils and fine fats in a simple bathing bar back-bone so that the actives are delivered instantaneously during usage.
The extent of fatty components, extent of detergents, lather formation, lather retention, pH levels etc., of the cleaning products regulate and influence the skin moisture level. Hence the formulation must have the rich level of humectants – Glycerin to further increase the hydration level of the skin.
More than providing moisture to the skin from external environment, the effort must be to prevent and reduce water loss from skin which is essential and that require on-time repair and proper maintenance of the skin which Verdura skin fresh bathing could do effectively.
Experience and enjoy the best of Verdura skin fresh bathing bar and make your skin always
the everlasting beautiful skin that your always aspire and cherish.