Get to know about skin pigmentation disorders!

Pigmentation refers to the coloring of the skin. Melanin is the pigment responsible for skin color. Melanin acts as a protective barrier against the harmful effects of ultraviolet (UV) rays. Melanin offers antioxidant activity by scavenging for reactive oxygen species produced via UV. What happens if you don’t have enough melanin? Melanin in excess – Hyperpigmentation […]

Lifestyle changes to reduce acne

Acne is formed when the openings of hair follicles and skin pores are congested with dirt or oil matters (sebum) leading to the accumulation of dead skin cells and allow bacteria to grow. Many factors may contribute to the development of acne, including: genetics diet stress hormone changes infections Acne can be a relentless condition […]

Know more about Vitiligo and their associated conditions

Vitiligo – An auto immune condition results in loss of skin colour in patches. Melanocytes (Pigment-producing cells) are destroyed in certain areas or stop functioning Vitiligo affects only the external appearance It affects people of any age, gender, or ethnic group Not medically dangerous Not contagious too   Sites of action Backs of the hand […]

Why skin needs to be moisturized?

The basic function of moisturizers is to help treat your skin when it’s dry and prevent it from drying out again. Daily moisturising is important for radiant skin, though it’s not just about looking good. The skin is your body’s largest organ, and it constantly sheds cells. Moisture in your skin helps it repair itself […]

Get healthy hair from inside! Eat right!! Grow right!!!

The scorching heat not only affects your skin and body but also your hair to a great extent. During summers, dealing with hair fall can get difficult. The harsh sun working on your hair, makes it dry and brittle, and thus, more prone to hair breakage. Although, regular oiling or deep conditioning can improve the texture […]