A gentle bathing bar is perhaps the most important tool in your grooming regimen. An important step in any skincare routine involves keeping your skin clear of excess dirt and oil. Soap removes dirt and sweat from your body, leaving your skin feeling clean and refreshed. Some normal soaps can
Month: November 2020
Psoriasis is a chronic, inflammatory condition that results in an overgrowth of skin cells. Plaques of pink, scaly inflamed skin are hallmarks of the condition. The skin may also be sensitive, itchy and prone to dryness, cracking and bleeding. People living with psoriasis often use topical
Your skin is your body’s first line of defense. Each day, it confronts attacks from the sun’s UV rays, air pollutants, extreme weather and temperatures, and free radicals. It isn’t safe from internal changes due to aging, either. For a psoriasis skin its several folds higher. Psoriasis is a